July 2020 Travel Inspirations Link Round-up
This year hasn’t been the easiest for any of us and it certainly hasn’t been good for the travel community. During this time, it has been especially important for my mental health to seek out the light in the dark and find some good sources of creative inspiration and hope. I hope you find these videos and links equally as comforting. (Okay, so I may have missed the June round-up, but I definitely found plenty of good things to share, so here’s a list of things that inspired me in the months of June and July.)
Featured Post from Wanderful Adventuring:
“Hiking Sleeping Beauty | Trail Review”
Although I haven’t been as active on the blog as I would have hoped in the past few months, I have gone on multiple adventures in the form of hiking. That’s why I decided to make these bite-sized trail reviews in the hopes of inspiring some people to get outside! I’ll also include some useful info and fun facts about each hike.
Below is a collection of links leading to videos, posts, and other inspiring things that tugged at my wanderlust this month!
Netflix Series!
“Down to Earth with Zac Efron” on Netflix
This one kind of came out of nowhere and is my most recent source of inspiration. Each episode Zac and wellness expert Daren Olien travel to a new location and learn from local experts about different and unique ways to live a healthy and sustainable life. It’s got Zac Efron, travel, and valuable information about healthy and sustainable living– what’s not to love?
Blog Posts!
“Income and Expense Report | July-September 2019” by Kara and Nate.
So this one may sound boring, but it is a truly priceless resource for those of you (like myself) who are considering the travel blogger or travel vlogger lifestyle. Kara and Nate are extremely transparent about exactly how they make a living on the road and this report itself is really inspiring to see how far they’ve come since the beginning. It’s certainly hard work, but they are the living proof that this lifestyle is possible!
“Build Your Van” by GnomadHome.
To adapt to the current situation, many travelers have turned to #VanLife and Wanderful Adventuring is no exception. That said, we don’t have our van yet and have been in the research phase for the past couple months.
This blog post is essentially the Van Build Bible! It has everything you need to know about how to do a van build; layout options, which materials to use, how to use them, and links to many of the components with cost estimates. I took about 5 pages of notes from this one post alone and this blog has so much more valuable information to offer! And it’s FREE, unlike many of the other Van Build Guides I have seen available.
Van Builds on Youtube!
I can not even tell you how many van build videos I have consumed in the past few months! They have all been very helpful and have given me a plethora of great ideas, but here’s just three of my favorites:
“VAN TOUR- Tiny House with Amazing SHOWER” by Snow & Curt.
I really loved this build because it was so intuitive and they really used ALL of the space to their advantage. As the title suggests, the shower design is truly amazing and I hadn’t seen it done that way before.
“VAN TOUR | Sprinter Van Converted to Beautiful Tiny Home for Full-Time VAN LIFE” by Kara and Nate.
Of course, I had to include my favorite travel bloggers Kara and Nate. I especially like their whole van life series so far because they are open and honest about the struggles of van life– especially to those new at it. They bought their van already built-out and have already experiences a number of difficulties that have quickly forced them to make some new skills on the fly. If you want to see some pros and cons of van life, they are definitely a good watch!
“Solo Female Van Tour – From 80 Hour Work Week to Tiny House on Wheels” by Tiny Home Tours.
I chose to include this video because it was the first van tour I watched and it sent me down the rabbit hole to my newfound obsession. Her van is also absolutely gorgeous and designed really well. She also touches on van life with pets!
FreeRoam – This app help you find places to park overnight. Whether you are planning for full-time van life, or just a road trip, this app is super helpful at finding all the places you can spend the night. You can set the price you are looking for (even FREE) and search through the hundreds of campsites and businesses available in any area across the United States.
AllTrails – If you like to hike, this app is a must! You can search trails in your area and read up on the important details and reviews before you go. Hiking is also quarantine-friendly in most cases, so don’t be afraid to hit the trails right away!