
Hi! I’m Jessica and thank you for visiting my travel blog! Since you found your way to my blog, here are some of the things you can expect to find:

Destination Guides:

These posts will be based on my own personal recommendations for the places I have been and will include the best things to do and see in any given location; complete with prices and need-to-know info about specific excursions.

Travel Hacks and Tips:

From packing lists to how-to guides, I will attempt to share all my knowledge that may be useful in making your future travel plans more affordable and stress-free. 

Personal Travel Stories/Logs:  

Even though I have not yet traveled as much as the average travel blogger, I certainly have a decent sized collection of funny, relatable, inspiring, or even embarrassing travel stories to share for your enjoyment or perhaps so that you may avoid making the same mistakes as me!

About Me

In 2022, I didn’t renew the lease to my apartment, sold the majority of my earthly possessions, packed my bags and bought a one-way ticket to….. 

                          …at least I hope that is how my story will be written.

For now, I live in an ordinary apartment in upstate NY with my two less-than-ordinary roommates. I currently work in a library some nights and as a full-time Daycare/Preschool Teacher during the week. As an avid reader and child at heart, I’d say these jobs are pretty perfect for me. I’ll admit, my life isn’t all that bad, but as Ariel said “I want mooore”! Or maybe Belle is the better fit because “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere – I want it more than I can tell!”